08 March 2009

snow flurries, london fog

Weekend: over. Not too shabby, not too shabby. Started off with a friend’s farewell party at my place. The theme was sushi-and-bad-movies. (I wanted a sushi-and-hideous-sweater theme, but I was grievously out-voted.) We didn’t really do the sushi part: the guy in charge of the seaweed didn’t get here until 11, and by then we were more interested in the vodka he brought. Instead we made do with California chirashi bowls (i.e. seafood salad on sushi rice… it was kind of disgusting). And, we didn’t really do the bad-movie part either. In theory, I suppose watching Repo! The Genetic Opera seemed like a good idea. But, the reality of its atrocity was immediately overwhelming. (We watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall on cable instead.) So, Friday night’s lessons were: (1) drunken sushi-making is never a good idea, and (2) true friends always throw out the garbage for you.

Saturday morning (and afternoon, fine) I spent in recovery. Then had dinner with my mom and brother, took them out for some Mexican (mmm, chile relleno). Ended up at the Blarney Stone afterwards—haven’t been there in ages, so it was nice to see that its unique flavour of broken glass, sticky floors, and smelly-feet miasma hasn’t changed much. The music was great though. The band was kind of meh at first (I’m not cool enough to dance Irish jigs ironically), but I have to admit their rendition of U2’s Where the streets have no name was kind of mesmerizing. I did not appreciate the Lady Gaga and the Pussycat Dolls though. Seriously. Crawled to my mom’s place at around 4 (didn’t have enough cab money to get home), and just crashed. Today was a little more chill: barely made it in time to RB, and then had to meet my sister for dinner.

Might be going to Seattle this weekend. Should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

yeah no, you weren't cool enough for the irish dance. or probably not drunk enough.. honestly i think people still dance to irish music because either a) they just drank like the irish or b) to have an excuse to dance really, really ridiculously.

good times. everybody was so ridiculously gross/drunk/stupid that you forget you are in a dirty, sticky pub. the miracles of an irish pub!

i hope you don't have many (or any) irish friends that may or may not be offended by this.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed it..... but, BC's loss is Ontario's gain (and, hence, my own)! Suck it, Vancouver.


Li said...

(I just remembered I had this thing!)

A: Is anyone cool enough for Irish dancing? (Except, you know, actual Irish people... and even that is on a case-by-case basis.) I miss you guys! EB 07-08 reunion!

Dunt: Shut up. I am not appreciating this whole mass exodus thing. Have you been watching Kings??? I'm kind of in love.