30 September 2008

the implausibility of reform

Fun little weekend. Got a surprise visit from an old friend. (Ok, the surprise was really for his sister and her birthday.) Anyway, he was the perfect excuse to just stay in all weekend long. Our plan was basically obtaining gross amounts of Chinese take-out and booze and just seeing where that would take us. (I wouldn't recommend it.) Ended up missing Waltz with Bashir (you still owe me $8!!), but I found him a ticket for Religulous so we managed a little downtown trip Sunday last.

Religulous was damn funny. (My favourites were probably the Cannabis minister and that weird little Jewish-but-not-a-Zionist freak.) Bill Maher is still a tool, but his douchebaggery is definitely growing on me. I could totally have sat there for hours watching that shit.

I missed out on a few other things, too. I think. But, the weekend was definitely Pareto efficient, or something. (Time-wise, that is.) It was perfect, too, that my sister's in Manila for the week. So no one was offended when we were doing our very best to make ourselves one with the couch.

Huh. I suppose I could go on about it, but I'd just be embarrassing myself. Or something.

The visa-situation is pretty much the same -- in that, I still don't have it, etc. (In other news, I'm really getting the hang of typing with a cigarette in hand. And, that's another thing, we probably smoked 6 packs between us or something. That's like a new low. GROSS. I'm grossing myself out. And, ash on my keyboard! Ash on my keyboard. Shiz.) I was pretty adamant that it all transpired in my little shoebox study though. The place seriously reeks now.

Ugh, I really need to go out.

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